Friday, September 9, 2011

How to Make a Google Earth Building in SketchUp

How to Make a Google Earth Building in SketchUp

Google Earth's "3D Buildings" layer is entirely comprised of models made from Google SketchUp or Google Building Maker. It is simple and easy to make a model for Google Earth.

Edit Steps

  1. The default model setup.
    The default model setup.
    Open SketchUp. It is the most commonly used tool for Google Earth Modeling.
  2. The window with satellite imagery.
    The window with satellite imagery.
    Go to "File", then click "Geo-location". A window will appear with satellite imagery.
  3. Get a good view of your building.
    Get a good view of your building.
    Enter a location. Then adjust your view until you get a full view of the building you want to model.
  4. Resize the box to fit around your building.
    Resize the box to fit around your building.
    Click "Select Region", resize the box that appears to fit around your building, then click, "Grab". This will take a "screenshot" of the imagery.
  5. Outline your building.
    Outline your building.
    The imagery should appear in your model. To make it easier to model, outline your building with the "Line" tool. If any, move the preloaded person out of your way.
  6. Make the exterior; no textures yet.
    Make the exterior; no textures yet.
    Create the shell of your model. Google Earth does not view the inside of buildings, making it easier on your part. You won't be adding textures yet.
  7. The roof texture applied. Note the dropper in the "Materials" window.
    The roof texture applied. Note the dropper in the "Materials" window.
    Add the roof image. Click on the "Materials" tool (signified by a paint bucket), then click on the "Dropper" tool on the right of the new window that appeared. With that tool selected, click on the satellite imagery. Finally, click on the roof of your model. The roof will look like the top of the real building.
  8. Photo texture your model.
    Photo texture your model.
    Add "Photo Textures". Go to "Window", then select Photo Textures. Click a face on your building, then click, "Select Region". When you match the photo with the face, click "Grab"; that side will be photo textured. Do the same to the rest of your model.
  9. Make sure the model is entirely textured.
    Make sure the model is entirely textured.
    Your building should look like the photo on the right. Make sure it is accurately and entirely photo textured.
  10. Make sure "Google Earth Ready" is checked.
    Make sure "Google Earth Ready" is checked.
    Upload to the 3D Warehouse. While entering in your model information, make sure "Google Earth Ready" is checked.
  11. Wait. Reviewers will look at your model and see if it meets the criteria for entering the Google Earth 3D Buildings layer.
  12. A ribbon should appear next to the name.
    A ribbon should appear next to the name.
    Check your model status after a while. If it was accepted, you should see a ribbon next to its name, signifying it was added. If not, you should see a ribbon with a red symbol across it.
  13. You may see it in Google Earth.
    You may see it in Google Earth.
    You may also view it in Google Earth to make sure it was accepted. 
from How to of the Day

Friday, September 2, 2011

HP Android termurah dari CROSS AD202

HP Android termurah dari CROSS AD202

Cross AD 202 ini merupakan ponsel Dual on GSM yang menggunakan platform Android 2.2 froyo dengan layar sentuh 2,8 inci. Tak hanya itu Cross AD202 ini harganya juga sangat terjangkau alias murah.  Walaupun murah tentu saja bukan murahan tapi Cross AD202 ini memiliki spesifikasi menarik seperti Wifi, EDGE, Wifi Hotspot, dan juga TV analog. hmmm keren kan…? Cross AD202 ini tampilannya juga cukup menarik  sobat bisa lihat gambarnya pasti sobat akan tertarik. Ponsel yang bisa digunakan untuk modem ini memiliki dua kamera dengan kapasitas1 1.3 megapixel. 
Untuk berinteraksi dengan yang lain Cross AD202 ini menyediakan fitur Bluetooth dan USB sedangkan untuk berinternet ponsel ini menyediakan banyak pilihan yaitu wifi, sebagai Modem dan ponsel ini mampu dijadikan Webcam.
Nah jika masih penasaran berikut ini Spesifikasi lengkap Cross AD202 :

  • OS : Android 2.2 Froyo
  • Layar Resisitif Touch Screen 2,2″ QVGA LCD 240×320 pixels.
  • 3 g, HSDPA, Wifi, Wifi Hospot.
  • Kamera : 1,3 megapixel
  • Dual SIM Card GSM
  • TV Analog
  • MP3/MP4/3GP/RM Radio
  • Sound/Video recording, Modem, Webcam, Bluetooth A2DP, USB, GPRS/MMS/WAP, Mobile banking, Big & Loudspeaker.
  • Music Amplifier
  • Fast Access Java & WAP
  • E-Buddy Chatting Group
  • Morange Chat & Email
  • Compatible Charger
  • Compatible Battery
  • Karakter SMS Extra Panjang
Harga Cros AD202
Cross AD202 ini tergolong ponsel Android  murah karena harganya dibawah satu juta yaitu Rp. 975.000.